The Point of Pines Yacht Club encourages and promotes yachting, friendly relations, and the mutual welfare of the residents of the Point of Pines. We have several membership types including:
- Full Boating
- Associate Boating
Associate members are newer, junior boating members. As spots open in the Full boating membership list, we draw from the Associate list based upon seniority and in accordance with our constitution.
Note: The POPYC is not offering Social memberships in 2022.
Applying for Associate Membership
If you are interested in an associate membership, please call our fleet captain Tim Horgan at (781) 581-5999 (Stoneham Boat Center).
Club Assets
Our clubhouse has a full bar and lounge. The club docks docks include water, electric, and wifi. They are protected by cameras and a locked gate. We have our own gas dock.
How Associate Membership Works
When you first join as a boating member you come in as an Associate member. Associate members pay a per foot dockage fee plus a small membership and utilities fee. You are also required to put in 10 work hours annually. You receive a key which gives you 24/7 access to the clubhouse and docks.
Each year, providing you complete your mandatory work hours, you rise on the Associate member roll in seniority. As spots open up on our Full member list (as people inevitably leave for one reason or another) fter a time (3-4 years years is typical) you’ll be invited to become a full boating member. Full boating members pay a larger annual membership and are required to put in 35 work hours annually. But your dockage fee is significantly reduced. You also become a voting member of the club, and if you like, you can run for office.